Friday, February 12, 2010

White Privilages By: Peggy McIntosh

After reading this article by Peggy McIntosh nothing was shocking to me because we have discussed this is class over the last couple of weeks there were in facts some quotes in the text that stuck out to me and I felt should be labeled important.

1. "I was taught to think that racism could end if white individuales changed their attitude."
I feel this isnt true because white privialge is something that many people dont realize and see everyday. So how can one go about changing somthing if its not fully understood or noticed. Unfortunatly I feel like this is something that is not going to ever end it may get better but will always be a part of society.

2. "Whether I use checks, credit cards, or cash, I can count on my skin color not to work againist the apparence of financial reliabilty".
I found this quote shocking and it left me without knowing what to say. As society we have come up with different sterotypes. Its somthing that affects the life of everyday citizens and doesnt apply to everyone of that race. Yes some people of other races are unstable financial but there are others who are making more then someone in the white class. We have to realize that skin color does not explain anything about a person. Everyone is different regardless of what there backround is.

3. " I can go shopping alone most of the times, pretty well assured that i will not be followed or harassed".
What does a average white person say to this quote, because as much as we dont want to believe it, it is true. I worked in retail for two years and seen it go on my manager watched every color person who walked into the store. If they left without buying anything he would always say they must have stole it. Racism is a crutial topic and we have to stop looking at different groups as people who do wrong and as people who want the same things as us in life. Everyone wants to suceed in life and we have to come together and help each other to do good in life.



  1. Hey Heather,
    When I read this article I pretty much was drawn to these same quotes and for the same reasons. I though your first quote was interesting and I also believe that just changing a white individual's attitude will not stop racism because racism isn't something that can be stopped with just an individual race, it has to pretty much be changed by all races. I liked your third quote about shopping and your own experiences relating that. What you said about racism and that we need to stop looking at different groups as doing wrong but as people who want the same things that we do - it's a really good idea and something that I can only hope people will start to do in the future.

  2. Heather I too did not think I would learn much from this article because we talked about it so much in class. However I turned out to be wrong. I think because this author spun it in such a way where I could approach this topic from an even different angle.

  3. Hey Heather, i think that you are right, after reading this article i definitely understood more and nothing was really shocking since we talked about white privilege in class a lot. I liked the quotes that you chose. After reading your third quote, i feel the same way; in that i dont know what to say. it is very sad that the quote is true and racism even takes place in shopping.

  4. I agree with everyone who says that this wasn't much different than what we have already learned. But mostly I like what you had to say about your second post. It's true that some people way over sterotype and that's the reason there is racism, because everyone just assumes that people of a certain race are all exactly the same.

  5. I liked all your quotes and I agree how we learned this in class. The quote " I can go shopping alone most of the times, pretty well assured that i will not be followed or harassed" really made me think to about how I don’t have this happen to me but see it happen to others.

  6. I agree with every one of your comments. I also feel like racism is never going to end because it is something that has always been around (since America/New World was discovered). It is something that has grown and evolved with us, something that many of us have basically learned to live with.

  7. I read the same article as you and I got just about the same idea out of it. People constantly stereotype and there is no need to. Everyone is different and should not be judged based on what they are wearing and the color of their skin.

  8. I read some of this article and agree with most of the stuff ou stated in the article
