Thursday, March 4, 2010

Unlearning the Myths That Blind Us

After reading the article written by Linda Christensen I was left speechless. I never came to realize how many negitive messages the media is portraying. Now when I watch any type of media, movie, or television show, i have a different outlook. I am more aware and I can pick out many of the negitive messages it sending to the minds of the people. It never dawned on me how young the media starts to manipulate the young minds. Some quotes that stood out to me in Christensen article were:

1. " Many students don't want to believe that they have been manipulated by childrens media or advertisment. No one wants to admit that they have been "Handled" by the media."

This reminds me of when we discussed the topic of oblivious. I feel like we know the media is manipulating us, but its not downgradeing the white class, so we have the attitude of why should we care. It is sad to say but this is something that goes along with the white privilege. something we put in the backpack.

2. " The impact of racism begins early. Even n our preschool years".

This is so true because we dont realize what the young minds our viewing each and every day. Working in a preschool i see racism all the time there young minds our be minipulated by televison and there parents. We need to start teaching ans stressing equality and how everyone is equal no matter what they look like or where the cam from.


  1. I agree with your last point about how it starts early. I feel like it's getting worse too. Like when I was their age I didn't know about half of the stuff they talk about. Like kids use of the word stupid or retarded etc.

  2. i totally agree, the younger that children are, the more and more negative information they learn...when we were their ages, none of us would have any idea about what children now a days know...its horrible

  3. Like you said at the top, whenever I watch any movie, tv show, or read a book, I will look at it from another perspective.

  4. I like what you are saying here. I have never really thought about it in that perspective. Thanks :)

  5. I believe you need to pick and choose what children are watching and be aware of the messages that are obvious in the shows on t.v, and in the moviews but to let knowing this spoil everything you are watching can't help. Children enjoy watching movies for entertainment and adults should be with them to address anything that they feel would persuade their beliefs or values and discuss them
